I am a family member or a carer

If you have a family member or you care for someone with a disability and are seeking support then Cram may be able to assist you.

I am a family member or a carer

If you have a family member or you care for someone with a disability and are seeking support then Cram may be able to assist you.

People who utilise our services are usually seeking 24 hour support in shared accommodation or support in their own home to supplement support provided by their family or a carer. 

Family members are often worried about what will happen to their child once the parents or family can no longer support them. If you are considering the long term options for support then Cram can assist with possible transition from In-home care in the family home to a shared group living arrangement with 24 hour support. Cram may also be able to assist with housing options and vacancy opportunities.

Cram provides services to people who have a physical, acquired brain injury (ABI) or intellectual disability and whose support needs and health conditions are complex and as a result require personal care and support to manage multiple health care needs.

How can Cram help family members and carers?

To find out more, go to our Services page or give us a call on 4255 6900 to discuss your needs.